Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Time, as explained by Jokey Jokemaker

     I was walking with a friend down the street one day and he said “Hey, I hear music.” I said “Big deal, we all hear it. I can also see music and smell music.” He said “Oh yeah? What else can you do?” I said: “I can see time moving along all about you.”   He wept bitterly.  Since the time of Aristotle, philosophers, and smart people have been trying to understand the nature of time. Sir Isaac Newton put forth the notion that time was a thing with many moving parts, a.k.a, “individual” times. Therefore, an event happening in a certain time meant that the event filled that part, or unit of time.

I think that this notion is not worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on. I happen to agree with the notion that Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz proposed. He thought that events happened before, after, and simultaneously. Time was just a unit we used to help organize these events distinctly from each other.
The question I have is: “How do we experience time?” We have all heard the idiom “Time flows.” I ask: “Does it?” When I say “Now is the present,” I am speaking truth. The present is simply WHEN I say it is. Some argue that you and I are special because we live at the present. We all can see what happens to an ice cube left out of the freezer for an hour. I say that it is not because it is affected by time, but rather by the elements for a unit of time. I see time swirling about the ice cube as well and the elements doing their savage and natural duty to damage. I see this and I argue that I am more special because I see time as an ever-moving thing, past future and present at all times and in all shapes and forms

You might say that a boring speech by someone like Ismael Julio Lopez may take an eternity to sit through, but that is false. It just FEELS like an eternity, because at that point, you have a brief glimpse of time moving all about you. You see others vainly attempt to look away or ignore Ismael Julio Lopez altogether, but your abject lack of interest in hearing anything Ismael Julio Lopez says, allows you to lose yourself in the time stream and feel it as it moves steadily along. Time is your interpretation of things happening and you not assigning any special significance to them. Time and significance equal cherished memories, time and no significance equals nothing. I believe that one can attach fake significance to things, much like Hallmark did with Sweetest Day, in order to make them seem more real or important than they are. I also believe that one can simply look to say/do/be something else with more inherent importance. You call me impatient, I say you are wasting your time and life away.

That’s my view of time. That is to say, that’s how I see it all the time. And this dear friends, is why I tend not to listen to boring conversations with Ismael Julio Lopez, sit through bullshit movies like Tyler Perry’s ANYTHING, or Sarah Jessica Horseface Parker’s ANYTHING. Time is much too short to put up with bullshit like that.

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