Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How to solve the BP Oil Spill


     I think that if Barack Obama donated the money he made by being in the Tag Team video for "WHoop there it is," to cleaning up the pelicans in the gulf, we could solve this oil spill crisis in 5 minutes.  The Oil Spill now is so big that if it were placed on a map of the US near Chicago, it would stretch from Miliwaukee to Kalamazoo and from Rockford Illinois to Muskeegon.  Joliet would be engulfed too, but only 20 dollars of damage would be done.  For a visual idea, click here


The Gulf will formally be inducted into OPEC tomorrow.  BP is fucking this operation up.  First, they put a small cap on the pipeline, that stops about 6% of oil escaping, not 60.....motherfucking 6 percent.  Now, I hear they are going to try to saw the tip off of the pileline to slow the oil flow.  We now know that it has a little hat, and will have its tip sawed off, I believe this will be done to somehow label this pipe Jewish.  Jews get blamed for everything: killing CHRIST, the gaza strip, sinking the titanic.  Obama's weak stance on this disaster needs to be strenthened, I think he should reunite Tag Team and have them do a benefit for the Gulf.  We could get Casper the cha cha slide man out of jail to sing too.  After he says "three hops this time," he could say "Boycott BP gas stations....cha cha real smooth y'all."   I remember that damn song being all over the place.  I still hear it at some white weddings.  For Obama's first acting gig, check here at the 1.02 mark. 



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