Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Handsome Right-Hander

Hello sports fans,

     It is I, the handsome Right-Hander, back to speak on Championships.  Yesterday, a friend got me to go to a Cubs game.  He got a couple of 4 dollar tickets.  At the low, low price of 4 dollars, I will go and watch a little league game.  It turns out, I did see a little league game.  I saw Derrek Lee and Tyler Colvin make 2 errors each, and Fontenot, Theriot, and KOYIYIYIE (Pronounced KOI) Hill all give up on more than one at-bat by swinging half-assedly.  The night was bleak, and then I saw it. 

     Across the way, There was a brilliant flash in the humid night air.  I ran over to a camera man and spoke at a machine gun pace.  Across the way, There was Dave Bolland, Blackhawks player, and he had the Stanl;ey Cup with him!  The game was over pretty quickly, and the Cubs gave up in the 4th inning.  When the game had ended, my buddy and I ran over to see if we could get a glimpse of the cup.  Bolland was more than happy to hoist it over his head, and then come out into the crowd that has mobbed the streets and began chanting.  You can see it on facebook by looking up Jimmy Banda.

     It sucks that in the greatest city in the world, we cannot field winning teams.  The sox had a good thing, but tinkering led to bad results.  The Bulls always seem to be good, but never GREAT, The BEARS are like olympics, every 4 years they do something, The CUBS?  Lets not go there. We deserve better. Oh well, the BlackHawks own the city for the summer.  The cup is shiny, and all is forgotten.  Bears training camp is right around the corner. 

The Handsome Right-Hander

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