Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Jokey Jokemaker on.....The World

I am staunchly middle class. I am a poor simple caveman to be exact. All I know is that I love my God, family, country, and the mirror dance. Even I am smart enough to see that Egypt is on the verge of civil war. The issue comes from the middle class having their rights and freedoms trampled on. The rich will remain rich, if they are smart. They care little for the troubles of others. They assuage their guilt with charity work or fundraiser events, but then drive home to their cushy lairs and smoke their cigars and swish around their snifters of brandy.

The poor are too busy about putting food on the table and keeping the heat on. They do not give a shit about freedoms or rights, because for most of their lives, they have been had their rights trampled on. Those that have not have simply traded away their rights for nickels and dimes. They do not know anything else. Those that work their way to middle class, usually stay close enough, or have strong enough memories and fears of going jump to the rich class back down that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Those that jump to the rich class usually don’t know how to act, and quickly return.

The issue becomes the middle class. Specifically the middle class that starts out as middle class. They have dreams of the rich, and fear of the poor. When a government taxes them to pay for the mistakes of the rich, or to pay for the poor, they are forced down the class scale. When a government tramples on the freedoms of the poor, they are too busy SURVIVING to care. The rich can afford lawyers to find loopholes, but the middle-class suffers. If they suffer enough, they revolt. In any revolt, all it takes is 10% of the people revolting to topple any system. The country may thing that they can stop any rebellion, but in all seriousness they cannot. To think that all of Chicago’s 4 million citizens are kept docile by fear and a desire to respect authority is amazing. Chicago has about 7-9 thousand cops. That’s a bad ratio. The mounting taxes and economic woes will not be tolerated much longer. Poor presidential leadership, political failures on a base level, and poor assumptions made by the government will soon come to a critical point. If politicians like Mark Kirk and Alexei Ginoulias who ran for the US Senate seat out of Illinois are the best we can do, why even bother to vote? I am going to be more aggressive than usual. I will be holding my politicians who make promises accountable for delivering them. Now is the perfect time to do so. They think that a few programs or tax relief promises are enough to keep the public calm. They think they are doing us a favor by “Only” raising taxes 1 or 2 points, instead of gouging us with 5 or 6 like they would like to. Keep thinking I will take all of this calmly government. I want to think I am harmless.

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