Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Raphael De La Ghetto on...........

Hello my nubile, young and flexible friends.

     I , Raphael De La Ghetto, have returned to shed some expert light on another piece of art.  Today I have chosen to discuss The Thinker sculpted by August Rodin. It shows a figure many believe to be inspired by Michaelangelo and Alligheri.  The figure was to be the top of a portal to a larger piece called "The Gates of Hell," which explains why the head, hands and knees all projects past the feet.  What I don't understand is, the sculpture  has tensed feet, and open hands, what is he thinking about?  Perhaps open-faced roast beef sandwhiches.  Join me next time when I discuss the Girl With Pearl Earring.

I remain,

Raphael De La Ghetto
expert in art

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